Saturday, May 18, 2024

Beginner's Guide

Language learning tips for students on a busy schedule

For many, learning other languages is an unrealized goal left trampled by life’s stampede. This is especially relevant to university students who often find themselves preoccupied with a constant flow of tasks and responsibilities.

Mastering seminar participation to stand out in your seminars

Mastering seminar participation is one of the easiest ways to become a top student in any of your courses.  

A guide to creating your ideal studying playlist

Music acts as a soundtrack to our lives. Various genres, instruments and styles may determine our mood and outlook on daily life, so having the right playlist for studying can make all the difference.  

Tip and tricks for effective exam study

Having to study for upcoming exams can be one of the most stressful yet universal post-secondary experiences. Having the right means for effective exam studying can make all the difference.

The dos and don’ts of group projects

You find yourself panicking the night of a deadline, scrambling to finish the part of the project that your partner should have taken care of weeks ago. You begin to wonder: what could I have done differently?

Embracing ChatGPT at Brock University

Students can use ChatGPT as an academic tool for writing while upholding academic honesty. 

Clubs 101: A crash course in socialization at Brock University

Joining a club is one of the best ways to expand your social horizons at Brock University.  

Why Brock clubs are the best way of making friends on campus

When beginning your university career, one of the most nerve-wracking processes that students go through is finding new friends.

How to become a note-taking and task management pro

Many students going into their first year of university frequently wonder what the best way of organizing their university tasks might be, or if there are any well-trodden strategies to enhance their note-taking abilities.

Easy money-saving tips for university students

Let’s face it: on average, university students are close to broke. That’s why these money-saving tips are important for managing your personal finances this academic year.

A quick breakdown of your student schedule

Getting a handle on university life can be challenging at first. Something that can be especially tedious as a newcomer is figuring out what all the bits of information packed onto your Student Schedule (SS) means.

Why your university experience matters

Being a Brock student in 2022 means that you are a global exception, most people on Earth do not go to university.

A guide to second hand shopping in St. Catharines

Living on your own has many stressors, one being the high cost of living as a student.

How to make the perfect study playlist

Music acts as a soundtrack to our lives. Various genres, instruments and styles may determine our mood and outlook on daily life, so having the right playlist for studying can make all the difference.

An introvert’s introduction to life at Brock

The transition period into university life can be an adjustment for everyone. For introverts, this period of establishing a new routine may be particularly challenging.

Video game music: an unlikely yet versatile study tool

Video game music could be the study tool that gets you through an intense university workload.

An ex-procrastinator’s guide to time management in university

University comes with a heavy workload, and if you’re a procrastinator like I was, effective time management is the only way to prepare for this new normal.

Exciting ways to have fun and stay active at Brock

Brock University is more than just an academic institution. It is a place that offers students a well-rounded post-secondary experience which includes a variety of programs, facilities and spaces for physical activity and fun recreational use.

Three valuable courses that can have a positive impact on students’ future

Brock University provides students with an array of elective courses to choose from in many different and unique fields of study, many of which are a must-have when it comes to changing your outlook on the world.

Brock University’s best study spots

Having the right study spot can make all the difference for academic success at Brock.

Master your digital calendar: Simplify university life and reduce stress

Learning how to effectively utilize digital calendars can optimize time management, reduce your stress levels and enhance your productivity as a Brock student.